Xu Hao (徐豪)

Ph.D Candidate

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Useful URLs

"If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton

Resources for Computer Graphics (maintained by Prof.Ke-Sen Huang)
Fabrication Researches (maintained by HCI Engineering Group, MIT CSAIL)
Prof. Adriana Schulz , University of Washington
Prof. BERND BICKEL , IST Austria
Prof. Bernhard Thomaszewski , Universtité de Montréal
Prof. Chi-Wing Fu , CUHK
Prof. David I.W. Levin , University of Toronto
Prof. Emily Whiting , Boston University
Prof. François Guimbretière , Cornell University
Prof. Ligang Liu , USTC
Prof. Mark Pauly , EPFL
Prof. Moritz Bächer , Disney Research Zurich
Prof. Patrick Baudisch , University of Potsdam
Prof. Peng Song , SUTD
Prof. Przemyslaw Musialski , New Jersey Institute of Technology
Prof. Stalian Coros , ETH Zurich
Prof. Stefanie Mueller , MIT
Prof. Shinjiro Sueda , Texas A&M University
Prof. Takeo Igarashi , University of Tokyo
Prof. Wojciech Matusik , MIT