Xu Hao (徐豪)


The Chinese University of Hong Kong



I got my Ph.D. degree in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Chi-Wing Fu, Philip. Before that, I got my bachelor degree from Shandong University in 2017.

Research Interest

I enjoy developing computational methods to automate the design process for assembly objects. This is a multi-disciplinary task that involves the study of various techniques such as geometry processing, visualization, combinatorial optimization, physical analysis, machine learning, etc. Now I'm launching a start-up to developing an automatic design and manufacturing system for brick toy models.


Previous mentorship

When I was a Ph.D. student, I collaborated with excellent CUHK undergraduates on various interesting projects. I list some of them below, hoping these names will be shining in different areas in the future.

  • Ka Hei Hui (co-authored in two SIGGRAPH (Asia) papers)
  • Tianwen FU (co-authored in one Eurographics paper)
  • Mingjun Zhou (co-authored in one Eurographics paper)
  • Yifan Wu
  • Yongxi Huan
  • Zhenyuan Liu
  • Yi Zhang
  • Tianyi Xiao
  • Lok In Tsui

Teaching Assistant


For me, the most valuable thing for an intern/exchange is to meet new friends and talents, I hope to have more!

  • Wuhan University
  • Alibaba Group
  • Interdisciplinary Research Center, Shandong University

Useful Resources